Demographic Conditions of Professional Activity Extension


  • Małgorzata Król Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Wydział Ekonomii, Katedra Zarządzania Organizacjami



first demographic transition, second demographic transition, ageing society, labour force, retirement age


The paper focuses on the problem of extending professional activity in the context of the present and future demographic situation. The analysis identifies the demographic conditions for extending professional activity. To do so the author presents a critical analysis of the literature and an analysis of statistical data from GUS and Eurostat, the main statistical offices of Poland and the European Union, respectively. The extension of professional activity is conditioned by the following demographic factors: a low birth rate and natural increase rate, population decrease, longer life expectancy, population ageing and population by age group changing. Present and future changes of these demographic factors are shown based on statistical data. The last part of the paper presents a comparative analysis of the statutory retirement ages, effective retirement ages, duration of retirement and duration of working life.


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