Information For Authors

General rules

1. Articles for the "Krakow Review of Economics and Management / Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie" should be sent to the secretaries of the Editorial Committee from a user account (see: Submission page).

2. Articles submitted for publication should comply with the Submission Guidelines presented below.

3. To counteract ghostwriting and guest authorship, authors are asked to declare their contribution to creating the work submitted.

4. The authors are asked to declare that the work submitted for publication was done without a conflict of interest between the author (authors) and other institutions, companies or organisations.

5. The decision on preliminary approval of articles to be published, and the forwarding of these articles for reviews, is made by the Editorial Committee. The Committee also designates two independent reviewers from other universities than the Krakow University of Economics. The article may be accepted for publication when it receives two positive reviews and favourable opinions from both the scientific and statistical editors (articles that do not receive positive reviews from both reviewers are not eligible for publication). The Editorial Committee reads the above opinions and reviews regarding the article and then it decides whether the article is accepted for publication.

6. The editors of „Krakow Review of Economics and Management / Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie” use the Crossref Similarity Check anti-plagiarism service powered by iThenticate to verify the originality of articles submitted to the journal.

Detailed guidelines for preparing articles to be submitted for publication in "Krakow Review of Economics and Management / Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie" are included in the Submission Guidelines below.


Submission guidelines for authors

Preparing the article

  1. The text of the article should be complete and include:

    • the name of the author(s), his/her (their) affiliation and ORCID,
    • the title of the article,
    • the article with the following structure: introduction (which, among its other functions, defines the subject and purpose of the article), a theoretical part (presenting the current state of knowledge, a review of the literature), a presentation of the methodological aspects of the research and an analysis of the results (in the case of original research articles), and conclusions,
    • a list of the literature cited and noted in accordance with the rules introduced below,
    • an abstract in English (see below: the article abstracts),
    • keywords in English,
    • JEL classification code(s).
  2. The length of articles published in the journal should not exceed 1.0 standard unit of text length (40,000 characters including spaces).
  3. The article should be written with respect to the following rules/parameters:

    • Document size: A4, programme: Word, font: Times New Roman,
    • Margins: left – 25 mm, right – 35 mm
    • Top and bottom margins – 25 mm
    • Font size: main body of text – 12 point
    • Footnotes and bibliography – 10 point
    • Line spacing – 1.5
  4. Typewritten pages should be numbered consecutively.


Please attach an abstract in English (up to 2,000 characters including spaces) and 4–6 keywords, also in both languages. Both should be done with the title of the article.
The abstract should consist of paragraphs with the following headings:

  • Objective
  • Research Design & Methods
  • Findings
  • Implications/Recommendations
  • Contribution

References and bibliography


Each citation should contain bibliographical information consistent with APA rules. Short quotes may be incorporated in the main text and put in quotation marks, while larger quotes (at least several lines), should be set apart from the main text by smaller font.


  1. Tables should be done in MS Word or Excel. Other programmes may be used provided they are saved in one of these formats: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, rtf, txt. We recommend that large volume tables also be attached as supplementary files to the main file with the article covering the whole text (step 4 of the process of submitting the article to be published through the OJS system).
  2. Tables should not be done with raster graphics programmes such as Photoshop.
  3. At the foot of every table should be written the source or whether it was done by the author or on the basis of another author’s work.
  4. Notes accompanying tables should be placed directly beneath them.
  5. Boxes should not be left blank. Where there is a lack of data, use the following characters:

    • a dash (–) if a phenomenon does not occur;
    • zero (0) if a phenomenon exists, but in amounts smaller than the numbers that can be shown in the table expressed in digits. For example, if production is expressed in thousands of tonnes, a 0 means that production in a given case does not reach 0.5 thousand tonnes;
    • dot (.) – data not available or not reliable;
    • x – the layout of the table makes filling the boxes in the table impossible or impracticable.
    • “Including” means that not all of the elements of the total are given.

Drawings, diagrams, and graphs

  1. The source should be provided for all drawings, diagrammes and graphs.
  2. Illustrations, diagrammes, and graphs created in MS Word should be done using the graphs option in that programme.
  3. Illustrations, diagrammes, and graphs included in an article, which were created using another programme, should be additionally saved or exported to vector format (ai, eps, pdf, ps, xls), or saved as metadata. They should be attached to other materials to be sent to the publisher in a separate folder and attached as supplementary files to the main file with the article covering the whole text (step 2 of the process of submitting the article to be published through the OJS system). We recommend using MS Excel, Statistica, Pajek, UCI net to create graphics.
  4. Only still images and screenshots should be saved using Raster formats (psd, tif, jpg).
  5. The recommended format for figures and tables is: 12.4 cm x 16 cm, while the font size should be 9 point.

Mathematical formulae

Articles with a large number of formulae should be prepared as follows:

  • single-level ones should be typed out using the keyboard,
  • complex, multi-level formulae should be embedded using a formula editor, for example MathType.