The Fiscal Environment as a Factor in Business Development and Economic Competitiveness


  • Michał Sosnowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki w Jeleniej Górze, Katedra Ekonomii i Polityki Ekonomicznej



fiscal policy, taxation, fiscalism, shadow economy, competitiveness


The article examines the impact of the fiscal environment on business development and increasing competitive advantage, both in individual companies and the economy as a whole. This issue is particularly challenging in the context of Poland’s membership in the European Union and the globalisation of economic processes. For this purpose, I have analysed and evaluated tax policy used by OECD countries, particularly the level of taxation, tax burden, tax wedge and the shadow economy. In my research I have sought to find a relationship between these values and the development of entrepreneurship and an economy’s competitiveness. The conclusion is that excessive tax burdens have a negative impact on activity by registered enterprises, may decrease the economy’s competitiveness and stimulate harmful activities from a social and economic point of view. In contrast, the experience of many OECD countries shows that reducing fiscal burden is a worthwhile measure to take.


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