The Use of Models with Ordinal Variables in Customer Satisfaction Surveys


  • Krzysztof Błoński Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Katedra Marketingu
  • Ewa Putek-Szeląg Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Katedra Ekonometrii


latent class analysis, satisfaction, self-government, public sector


Customer satisfaction can be measured using both quantitative and qualitative scales. However, each of them has problems and limitations. Some authors, such as N. Hill and J. Alexander in their Handbook of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Measurement (2003), clearly believe numerical scales are the best for measuring satisfaction. Nonetheless, ordinal scale, which requires statistical methods for the analysis of qualitative data, remains the most commonly used. This paper presents the use of analysis of latent class in satisfaction surveys. To build a model, data from measurements made with ordinal scales were used.


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